From ancient times the people began to notice the different properties of different plants, herbs and flowers. Of course, their main properties were those that helped health.Herbs for potencyis no exception. There are many of them and each in varying degrees and strength contributes to the restoration or maintenance of health.
Seeds and rhizomes are valuable. The underground part of nettle contains lignans. Plant-based phenolic compounds can increase free testosterone. The result is increased potency and erection.
Herbs for potency - list of 13 herbs:

It has long been used in folk medicine. Lemongrass tones and rejuvenates the body, removes overexertion, against which impotence often develops. The composition, rich in active biological substances, has the following positive effect.
Herbal medicine is an affordable alternative to nutritional supplements, medicines for men's health. Properly used herbs for potency help increase libido. There are many useful plants, but only a few are considered the most effective.
A list of the most powerful herbs with folk recipes is presented below.
Calamus for men

The plant is recognized as the best for the treatment of potency. It has preventive and therapeutic properties, helps to normalize reproductive and erectile function. It can be used by both young people and older men. Marsh calamus is not completely useful. Only the root helps to solve intimate problems.
The rhizome is rich in essential oils, vitamins, choline, iodine, tannins, resins, starch, ascorbic, valerian, acetic acid. It is useful with its healing properties:
- normalization of genital microcirculation;
- increasing the duration of intimacy;
- improving sperm quality;
- improved erection.
The simplest remedy based on alamus is a drink made by boiling a tablespoon of crushed root in a glass of water. An even more effective drug is obtained by infusing 100 g of dried raw materials in 500 ml of vodka for one month. The infusion is taken 50-100 drops before intimacy.

- normalize adrenal function;
- increase the tone of blood vessels;
- increase blood circulation
This herb can be used as a spice. Parsley juice improves potency well. An excellent remedy is an infusion made from a teaspoon of ground seeds, filled with a glass of boiling water, aged overnight. Take the drug three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals, 50 ml.
Important! The use of the plant is not recommended for insomnia, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure.

Nettle herb
Ripe dried lemongrass is a powerful aphrodisiac that makes you aroused longer after consumption. It is enough to chew 5 fruits before direct intimacy.
Tonic drink is prepared from a spoonful of fruit, filled with a liter of boiling water for 12 hours. The tincture is made from seeds (10 g), to which is added 50 ml of vodka and infused for 14 days, filtered, taken three times a day before meals, 30 drops.
St. John's Wort

The plant enhances the effect of other herbs taken to increase potency in men, as it does not in itself have a bright effect. St. John's wort goes well with absolutely any herb that increases sexual activity.
Against the background of taking funds with St. John's wort, the nervous system improves, the level of male hormone increases. The most suitable for the treatment of male problems is a tincture of 100 g of dry raw materials, filled with 500 ml of vodka, infused for 10 days. Take 50 drops for 14 days.
The "root of life" is actively used in Chinese medicine. Heavenly healers have long learned about the plant's ability to arouse a man, freeing him from sexual impotence. The use of ginseng contributes to:
- stimulating the blood supply to the genital organ;
- increased erection;
- increased sexual desire;
- activating sperm motility and improving sperm;
- elimination of pathological conditions that cause erectile dysfunction;
- getting rid of stressful conditions leading to a weakening of potency.
Important! Ginseng should not be used for bleeding, inflammation, infections.

To obtain a tincture, 25-30 g of dry rhizomes are flooded with seventy percent alcohol (1 cup), keep a week. Take 20 drops half an hour before meals.
If the man does not want to take a product with an alcohol component, he can use an alternative prescription. A similar amount of ginseng is mixed with 700 g of natural honey, infused for 10 days, taken a teaspoon before each meal for two months.
Fireweed - Ivan-Chai

The plant is known on the masses as willow-tea. This herb contains a large amount of boron, copper, iron, vitamins, bioflavonoids, carotenoids. Fireweed products have a wide range of actions:
- relieve inflammation of the genitourinary system;
- help in the fight against prostate adenoma;
- normalizes the mental state, which often leads to impotence;
- stabilize hormones and balance;
- maintain normal levels of the male hormone testosterone;
- increase in erection;
- activate the blood supply in the cavernous bodies of the phallus.
The dried leaves of the medicinal herb for male potency are boiled with boiling water and used as tea leaves. It is considered a useful decoction made from a few tablespoons of raw materials, filled with 500 ml of water, boiled for 20 minutes on fire and then strained. The tool is used at night for half a cup for 2 weeks.
Eleutherococcus for potency
Any product containing eleutherococci helps to increase male libido. They contribute to the filling of the corpora cavernosa of the penis with blood, which makes it possible to strengthen the erection. The plant has the following positive effects:
- allows you to relieve nervous tension;
- eliminates the harmful effects of constant stress;
- reduces the risk of developing urological diseases;
- increases libido;
- relieves stagnation of secretions in the prostate gland;
- increases testosterone.

The greatest demand was given to the herbal alcohol infusion, the effect of which manifests itself 10 days after the start of intake. It is recommended to drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals, 20-30 drops.
It is sold in pharmacies, but can be prepared independently. Grind or grind 100 g of rhizomes, pour a liter of high quality strong vodka. It is allowed to take medical alcohol.
The product is kept for two weeks in a cool, dark and dry place, shaking regularly.
I remember! Herbal medicine always has a cumulative effect. No herbs help immediately. It should take at least a week for the effect of each plant to be noticeable. There are exceptions, but they are rare.
A powerful aphrodisiac, from the use of which a person can be aroused almost immediately. This is an opportunity to increase the attraction to a partner, to prolong sexual intercourse. Hawthorn is useful for the stronger half, suffering from severe drops in blood pressure.

This plant has the following positive effect on potency:
- dilutes the blood;
- maintains vascular tone;
- normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- stabilizes erections;
- increases the duration of sexual intercourse;
- improves the functionality of the prostate in inflammatory processes.
To increase potency, a tablespoon of fruit is poured with one and a half cups of boiling water and boiled for half an hour, filtered and taken before meals. Another effective remedy is a tincture of a spoonful of dried flowers, soaked in 250 ml of liquid for 15 minutes in a water bath and then still infused for an hour. The product is filtered, drunk three times a day in a quarter cup.

It has a complex effect on the body. The main action is the ability to cause an increase in potency due to spermatogenesis. The plant contains a large amount of zinc - an indispensable substance for the production of germ cells. Experts advise you to regularly take thyme-based products instead of taking a course.
To improve male strength it is recommended to use a decoction of 20 g of raw materials (dry), filled with 400 ml of boiling water, infused for 90-120 minutes. Take the drug a quarter of an hour before meals, 50 mg. The course is 2-3 weeks. Followed by a break for a month.
Ginger root
Ginger root is a mild immunomodulatory aphrodisiac. Increases tone, potency, resists mild asymptomatic processes caused by streptococci and staphylococci. The plant is rich in:
- amino acids;
- vitamins E, PP, C, B;
- Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids;
- magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus.
Medicinal infusion is prepared from 400 g of finely chopped rhizomes. Pour half a liter of vodka, close, take out in a dark place for 21 days. Drink 30 ml before meals. If the taste is disgusting, add 1-2 tablespoons of natural honey.
A member of the cruciferous family, it is valuable for its estrogen-degrading substances. Regular use leads to alkalization of the body - the environment in which pathogens die.
Horseradish and its benefits for male potency
Horseradish tincture has the following effect:
- strengthens the immune system;
- normalizes hormonal balance;
- stimulates metabolism.
The tool allows you to increase potency, is an excellent prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. It is she who is responsible for the disorders in the intimate life.
Prepare a tincture of two roots (10 cm long). They are cleaned, cut, filled with a liter of vodka, poured into the refrigerator for 2 weeks, filtered. The composition contains lemon juice and honey (3 tablespoons). Take the drug three times a day half an hour before meals.
Poor blood vessel permeability is often the cause of decreased libido. Potassium-rich aloe vera eliminates this problem:
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- lowers cholesterol levels;
- cleans blood vessels.
The blood becomes less viscous, circulates faster, there is an increase in libido. Regular use of the plant allows you to achieve a stable erection.
Not all parts of aloe are healthy. The skin contains potentially harmful carcinogenic compounds. This is the main reason for using cellulose. To prepare the product, one teaspoon of raw materials is mixed with five teaspoons of honey. Take aloe for a month three times a day for 1 teaspoon.
It is worth noting that all potency herbs are useful not only for men and have unique compositions of trace elements and vitamins. Most of the herbs and plants described above are widely used in the manufacture of medicines for a wide range of people.
The best herbs to increase potency in men: an overview
Herbs to increase potency in men folk recipes video
Decreased sexual desire, lack of potency is a fairly common problem for the strong half of humanity. This situation has a depressing effect on men, they lose confidence in their abilities, which leads a man to depression.
There are many remedies available to solve this delicate problem. But the pills can harm other organs. Therefore, it is worth seeking the help of traditional medicine.
There are plant components, herbs, with the help of which you can strengthen your male health and not harm other organs.

Male strength and folk remedies
You can restore men's health simply by changing your usual lifestyle, which is not always healthy for the majority.
Bad habits, alcohol abuse, low physical activity are not companions of healthy potency.
Sometimes, simply by reconsidering his personal attitude to this, the man's strength is restored and no drugs are needed to improve potency.
But it often happens that the reason for the loss is:
- consequences after illness;
- trauma;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- hypertension;
- medicine intake;
- hypothermia;
- avitaminosis;
- negative impact on the environment;
- difficult working conditions;
- age-related changes;
- domestic quarrels;
- emotional stress.

Our ancestors sought help from nature many centuries ago. And she answered every time, helping to solve many problems. You just need to know which herbs increase potency and how exactly to take them.
Potency directly depends on the process of blood supply to the penis. Therefore, the cause may be related to heart disease. Before you start treating male potency with herbs, you need to know the reason for it. Only your doctor can determine this.
Despite the delicacy of the problem, a visit to a urologist or andrologist should not be delayed.
Important! Although herbs may seem harmless, some may be helpful and some may be harmful.
Herbs to increase potency in men
Traditional medicine provides many ways to increase potency in men with herbs. Their use is recommended by traditional medicine for complex treatment, for preventive measures.
- Ginseng. Restores libido, improves the work of the cardiovascular system, calms the nervous system, increases the resilience of the immune system.
- Hawthorn. By improving the work of the heart system, it increases blood flow to the genitals, which is important for male strength. In Germany, this drug is used by men to eliminate their sexual problems.
- Lemon grass. Used to treat impotence, prostate adenoma. Medicine recommends the use of the plant in its pure form, as well as in the composition of fees to strengthen the immune system, improve the work of the heart muscle.
- Ginkgo Biloba, used since ancient times by Chinese men. It is often used in Chinese medicine to improve potency. Improves heart function by providing greater blood flow to the brain and genitals.
- Katuaba. A powerful natural aphrodisiac. Increases potency in men, increases libido in women. It is often used by the population of Brazil, which proves their high sexual activity. Infusions, fees, decoctions of the leaves of this evergreen plant prevent premature ejaculation.
- Yohimbe. Decoctions, infusions do not give side effects that this drug has. Increases potency, significantly increases the duration of sexual intercourse, increases libido. All known drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction are made on the basis of this plant.
- The palm tree. A plant that was used by the ancient Americans to enhance sexual activity. Modern medicine recommends decoctions and herbal infusions for the treatment of prostate, genitourinary system, cardiovascular disease.

Studying the list, every man can think that all this is some exotic from the tropics. Is our flora so scarce? This is not true! Our latitudes provide herbs to increase potency in men in even greater quantities. Among the main we can mention foods and herbs that increase potency in men, these are:

Herbal preparations
- parsley;
- ginger;
- St. John's Wort;
- calamus root;
- raspberry leaves, blackcurrants, strawberries;
- Dubrovnik;
- sage;
- who;
- thyme;
- cranberry leaves and fruits;
- aloe;
- horseradish;
- Walnut;
- shipka;
- nettle.
The list goes on and on, and every plant growing in our latitudes will have a beneficial effect on the male body.
Important! Some herbs that increase potency in men can cause diarrhea. Therefore, before self-preparation of funds, it is better to consult a doctor.
Most herbal decoctions improve heart function, normalize the work of the genitourinary system and cause aversion to alcohol, which is important in the treatment of potency. For example, thyme is used in the preparation of decoctions for the treatment of alcoholism. Constant use causes constant aversion to alcohol. Alcohol is the biggest enemy of a full sex life.
Herbal preparations used to treat potency
Herbs that increase potency in men are most effective if you use medicinal herbs for this purpose. In modern pharmacies you can find ready-made dry preparations containing all the necessary herbs.
It is most effective to use such kits, as the raw materials are grown and collected in specialized farms or in environmentally friendly areas.
You should not try to do it yourself by buying herbs from spontaneous markets.
The most effective herbal preparations
The most popular and effective collection is a set of herbs that includes:
- thyme;
- mint;
- nettle;
- St. John's Wort.
In its finished form, such a decoction or water infusion has a very pleasant taste, while being a powerful aphrodisiac. A mixture of herbs (3 tablespoons) is poured a liter of boiling water and insist for about thirty minutes. Strain and drink the entire volume, dividing into equal portions, throughout the day.
Dry leaves of berry bushes
Decoctions of the leaves of cranberry, raspberry, blackcurrant and strawberry have no less useful qualities and pleasant taste. A mixture of dry leaves (3-4 tablespoons) should be poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for about twenty minutes.
Then cool the broth, strain and take a glass fifteen minutes before eating. The broth will become more pleasant if honey is added to it.
It is contraindicated to use sugar with decoctions, it simply destroys all the healing properties of decoctions, infusions.
Rowan and rose hips in the treatment of potency
One, two tablespoons of fruit should be poured with boiling water in an amount of one liter. To withstand the infusion for about six hours. It is best to use a thermos to make a decoction of these fruits and take it warm.
But it accepts the highest healing power after six hours of exposure. Then filter the broth and take half a cup every three hours. The drink tastes good, so it will be a pleasure. You can add honey.

The potency cannot resist Ginger
A unique root that is used in many recipes. Many doctors call it the root of love. Ginger contains a huge amount of essential oils, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. It is recommended to use it daily raw and in the form of aqueous infusions.
In terms of potency on the male body, ginger is compared to drugs, but without side effects. The root is rubbed on a fine grater, added to food, teas, boiled with boiling water. In any form it does not lose its healing properties.
After regular use one feels:
- rush of vitality;
- increased sexual desire;
- lack of fatigue;
- longer intercourse.

A mixture of parsley and aloe
Men who have problems with potency should make sure that parsley (root or herbs) is present regularly in meals. The sooner the diet is supplemented with this plant, the better for men's health. But parsley seeds are used to prepare this medicine.
You will need three aloe leaves that are more than three years old. They are washed and peeled. Soften the pulp with a fork and add two teaspoons of parsley seeds. This mixture should be poured with a liter of natural red wine and insist in a dark place for two weeks.
The finished infusion cannot be filtered, the whole composition will be at the bottom. Take one tablespoon before meals.

Chestnut - horsepower
The fruits of the chestnut are absolutely undeservedly lying underfoot in the parks and squares of our cities with the onset of autumn. The properties of chestnuts are simply unknown to many people. Helps in the treatment of varicose veins, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, heart, vascular, infectious diseases, prostatitis.
After forty, any man can safely use chestnuts for a longer sex life. After all, it is not for nothing that the strength of the impact of the chestnut on the body is compared to the strength of a horse.
Chestnut tinctures can improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, which has a beneficial effect on the treatment of prostate and erectile dysfunction. To prepare the broth, you will need the fruits of young trees that are no more than three years old. Harvesting of nuts should begin in late July. Before preparing the tincture, the chestnuts are crushed together with the peel and dried in a dark place. Dry raw materials (2-3 teaspoons) are poured with a bottle of vodka or alcohol. Insist in a dark place for about ten days. Then you can not drain and take a teaspoon before meals, diluting the tincture with water. Also, flowers and chestnut bark are used for the preparation of medicinal tinctures.

The problem lies not only in the "root" and
Before embarking on the treatment of potency with folk remedies, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Self-medication has never given positive results. Well, the self-application of traditional medicine is effective in preventing potency. Treatment is a set of measures using drug treatment, exercise therapy, prevention.
It is impossible to cure potency with folk remedies alone. Before treatment, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination to determine the cause of the disease. Sexual impotence is not always related to the genitourinary system. This condition can be caused by diseases of other organs or systems.
Modern andrologists, urologists identify several main causes responsible for potency:
- alcohol abuse;
- regular nervous stress;
- heavy physical work;
- dietary disorder;
- indiscriminate sex.

Prevention of potency
Anyone facing this delicate problem must understand that in order to achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to take traditional medicine for a long time.
Lifestyle and diet must be completely changed. Needless to say, alcohol and indiscriminate sex are no longer relevant.
Food should be varied and enriched with foods high in phosphorus. That:
- sea fish and seafood;
- nuts, especially hazelnuts and cashews;
- eggs;
- dairy products;
- porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal);
- lean meat;
- celery;
- carrots;
- garlic;
- vegetables fruits.

It is important to know!
It is very important for men's health to monitor their emotional state. It is necessary to avoid stressful situations and conflicts, otherwise after a while this may affect the functioning of the genitals.
Particular attention should be paid to nutrition and exercise. It will be useful to stop drinking and smoking.
Maximum attention to your body will allow you to maintain male strength for quite a long time.
Despite the fact that herbal treatment can last several months, it will give a positive result and increase the sexual activity of every man. Even the most primitive ingredients can have negative effects. That is why it is important to consult a specialist before using this method of treatment!